Christmas Tree Cutting Permits: We shall introduce legislation eliminating the statutory language: “Only one such permit is needed per work crew.” (MRSA Title 12, §8842-A) in the transportation or cutting of Christmas Trees law. We feel that every member of the work crew shall have a copy of the permit.
Connect Maine Authority: We shall submit legislation increasing the appropriation for Connect Maine Authority from 1 million dollars per year to 5 million dollars per year in order to provide essential high speed internet for rural Maine.
Drones: We shall submit legislation requiring landowner written permission for any aerial surveillance by drones.
Farm Tractor Definition: We shall introduce legislation removing the definition of “Farm weight tractors” in order that all farm tractors, instead of only light weight tractors, are exempt from hauling from hauling over-width equipment on public ways.
Industrial Hemp: We shall submit legislation authorizing and encouraging industrial hemp growth and research in the State of Maine.
Sales Tax Refund on Off Road Fuel: We shall support legislation to refund sales taxes paid by farmers for fuel used to power depreciable off road agricultural machinery or equipment.
Saltwater and Freshwater Aquaculture Regulatory Jurisdiction: We shall introduce legislation making saltwater and fresh water aquaculture regulated by the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.
UM System Trustees: We shall introduce legislation to designate an active farmer-producer seat on the Board of Trustees for the University of Maine System.