Franklin County Farm Bureau’s Annual Meeting has been set for Thursday evening, October 15, 2015 at the New Sharon Methodist Church on Route 134. The meal, consisting of casseroles, salad, beverages and dessert, will be served at 7:00 p.m. The cost for the meal is $10.00 per person.
This meeting will be a great time to meet Maine Farm Bureau’s new Executive Director,
Dr. Alicyn Smart. She will share her background and thoughts on the future of Maine Farm Bureau. Attendees will also have an opportunity to ask questions and give comments.
The meeting will also provide an opportunity for you to present ideas for resolutions that you feel should be taken to the state annual meeting. Put the grassroots method
to work if there is a problem or an area that you feel needs addressing.
In addition, there will be a discussion on how Farm Bureau can better serve you, what you would like to see the county work on in the coming year and an opportunity to
share your ideas on how to make the organization stronger.