Proposed By-Law Changes


Maine Farm Bureau currently has three by-law changes that have been proposed. The proposed changes are:

  1. Article II. Section I. Number and Authority. Subject to such policies as may be duly adopted by the Voting Delegates assembled in regular or special sessions, the business and property of this Association shall be managed and controlled by the Board of Directors of not less than five (5) nor more than twenty-five (25) in number. Until further change in this by-law, the Board shall be limited to two (2) directors one (1) director and one (1) alternate elected from each of the organized county farm bureaus and the chairman of the Young Farmer’s Committee, who shall be elected by the State Young Farmer’s Committee.
  2. Article II. Section 6. Meetings.  The annual meeting of members shall be held during the month of November of each year, the date and place to be selected by the Board of Directors.  State of Maine’s Agricultural Trades Show. Regular and special meetings of members may be called by the President or by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the duly elected Board of Directors and shall be called by the President upon written request signed by a majority of the members or by Voting Delegates representing a majority of the members.
  3. Article VI. Section 5. DisqualificationRepeal proposed.